Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Year 4 staff: Teachers, Mrs. Bentley (Monday & Tuesday), Mrs. Wheeldon (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) and Teaching assistant Mrs. Davenport warmly welcome you to the Year 4 web site page at All Saints’ Primary School..

We hope your children will have a fantastic year with us in year 4. We will be exploring lots of fantastic and engaging topics such as Ancient Egyptians, Rochdale Pioneers and Knights, Castles and Dragons.

Useful Reminders: Reading Books are changed Monday and Thursday   Homework due days: Monday: Grammar      Thursday: Maths    Spelling test: Friday

Mrs K Bentley

Mrs K Bentley

Class Teacher

Mrs M Wheeldon

Mrs M Wheeldon

Class Teacher

Mrs N Davenport

Mrs N Davenport

Teaching Assistant

Topic Knowledge Organisers

Science Knowledge Organisers

Class Blog

South American fruit tasting

South American fruit tasting

Year 4 have been using their senses to try out new fruits as part of our South America topic. We were all brave and had tried to taste each one then describe how they smelled and tasted. Some we loved and some we were not so sure about.

Computing fun in Year 4!

Computing fun in Year 4!

 In Year 4 we have been developing our understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited and how we can resave and reuse them. We have discussed the impact editing images can have and the effectiveness of our choices, whilst having lots of fun...

Year 4 focus on their Teeth!

Year 4 focus on their Teeth!

Year 4 have enjoyed learning about Teeth and Digestion this half term and especially investigating the different types of teeth in their mouths and understanding the functions of them. They practically counted their own teeth, recognised where they had lost milk teeth...

Anti-Bullying Week 2023

Anti-Bullying Week 2023

This week in school marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week. On Monday lots of children and staff across school, came to school wearing odd socks ! This week we have focused on the importance of celebrating our uniqueness , recognising our similarities and differences....

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